a piece of blue sky造句


  1. I appropriately cite " a Piece of Blue Sky " instead of the evaluation statements and poor citation which Wikipediatrix reverts to )"
  2. In " A Piece of Blue Sky ", Jon Atack describes being ordered to disconnect from a friend in 1983, shortly after the policy was re-introduced.
  3. The book, " A Piece of Blue Sky, " by British writer Jon Atack, was banned by a British court following a successful 1995 defamation lawsuit against Atack.
  4. "A Piece of Blue Sky " is about the Scientology movement from its creation in 1959 to the death of its founder, L . Ron Hubbard, in 1986.
  5. In his book " A Piece of Blue Sky ", Jon Atack cites an internal document dated August 1982 that, he alleges, re-introduced the disconnection policy.
  6. It's difficult to find a piece of blue sky in a sentence. 用a piece of blue sky造句挺难的
  7. Scientology researcher Jon Atack  a critic of Scientology, and himself a former Scientologist  explains in his book " A Piece of Blue Sky " that sec checks could be applied either as a " confidential " Confessional or as a non-confidential investigation.
  8. Jon Atack, whose book " A Piece of Blue Sky " details how he reached Operating Thetan level V before leaving Scientology, describes Hubbard's doctrines about thetans : " Thetans are all-knowing beings, and became bored because there were no surprises.
  9. According to her account, when she revealed to her talent manager that she had read " A Piece of Blue Sky ", a book critical of the Church, she was labeled a Suppressive Person and shunned ( or " disconnected " ) by her friends within the church.
  10. Hubbard's military service has subsequently been covered in detail by the British writers Russell Miller ( " Bare-Faced Messiah ", 1987 ) and Jon Atack ( " A Piece of Blue Sky ", 1990 ), by the " Los Angeles Times " in a six-part special report on Scientology published in June 1990,
  11. Former Scientologist Jon Atack argued, in " A Piece of Blue Sky " ( 1990 ), that treatment of Sea Org members in the RPF was a " careful imitation of techniques long-used by the military to obtain unquestioning obedience and immediate compliance to orders, or more simply to break men's spirits . . . " One former member, Gerry Armstrong, said that during his time in the Sea Org in the 1970s he spent over two years banished to the RPF as a punishment:


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